I’m alone…
I’m alone. He’s done a hell of a job convincing them all that I’m wrong, alienating me from people that I’ve known my entire life - makes my blood boil.
This feels right…
My hands stead, I gently lift the decaying lid, rusted and brittle from centuries in this damp cave.
Agghhh! You told me…
Agghhh! You told me he’d be here. You told me we’d be welcome. (Dodging arrows)
And as I peeked up…
And as I peeked up from this mortifying place on the floor, there he was - towering over me with bright, dark eyes.
And I was lost.
I panicked…
I panicked as the icy cold water rolled wave after wave over my head, plunging me under with every crest. I couldn’t keep this up for long.